ISSW 2010: October 17 - 22
At the 'Resort at Squaw Creek', Squaw Valley, CA
2010 Proceedings (Papers now hosted on-line at Montana State University)
Chair: Russ Johnson
Preliminary: 920+ participants; 60 papers; 17 countries

ISSW returned to Squaw Valley 24 years after its first visit in 1986. The Workshop was held at the Resort at Squaw Creek which comfortably accommodated the largest ISSW to date with over 920 paid registrants - with 98 registrants from outside of North America.
ISSW continued to cover a broad range of practical and research topics. 60 oral presentations and over 90 posters included among others: investigations of how skiers trigger slabs, analysis of ECT and PST tests, avalanche mitigation, strength of snow anchors for rescue, analysis of snow and weather measurements, stability tests, effects of climate change on snow and avalanches, education and risk management. The field day on Wednesday, which had near perfect fall weather, included an Historic tour of Alpine Meadows and Squaw Valley Avalanche Paths, "A history of the Avalauncher" presentation by Pete Peters, hiking, biking and golf opportunities.
ISSW 2010 had 128 female registrants, which led to another successful Avalanche Divas Social gathering. Over 430 people attended the Thursday night banquet, where the speakers were Wes Schimmelpfenning and Andrew McLean.