ISSW 2002: September 29 - October 4
Penticton, British Columbia
2002 Proceedings (Papers now hosted on-line at Montana State University)
2002 Web Site
Chair: Jack Bennetto
618 participants; 55 papers; 19 countries

Innovation characterized 2002. The oral presentations were watched both in the meeting hall and in a simulcast room that provided live telecasts of the presentations and the opportunity to ask questions in a more comfortable and less structured environment which encouraged discussions. In addition, access to the Internet and to presented papers was provided.
For the first time the proceedings were disseminated primarily on CD. 57 posters were presented in a dedicated afternoon session with refreshments. Some of the topics covered by the oral and poster presentations were mountain weather, rescue and survival, spatial variability of snow stability, avalanche control and static defenses.
Once again a midweek field trip was offered to view avalanche problems and solutions on the Coquihalla highway by bicycle. A wine tasting tour was offered as an alternative. The first host country versus world softball game was held. 35 commercial exhibitors attended the meeting.