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ISSW 1994: October 30 - November 3 Snowbird, Utah

1994 Proceedings (Papers now hosted on-line at Montana State University)
1994 Web Site (If anyone has copy of the site, please contact us.)


Chair: Liam Fitzgerald
400+ participants; 59 papers; 11 countries


The largest number of formal presentations ever at ISSW allowed a wide range of topics including snowpack properties, avalanche warning systems in Switzerland, blowing and drifting snow, avalanche policy and litigation and control methods. Even a paper on bacterial protein for snowmaking was given.


This large number of papers was accommodated by having concurrent sessions with many papers available at the conference individually for a copying charge.


13 posters and 12 commercial exhibits were presented. Numerous attendees were forced to leave when winter arrived early in the Pacific Northwest and ski areas began to open.

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