ISSW 2009: September 27 - October 2
Davos, Gr, Switzerland

2009 Proceedings (Papers now hosted on-line at Montana State University)
Co-chairs: Jakob Rhyner, Britta Allgöwer, Jürg Schweizer
550 participants; 101 papers; 24 countries
The first European ISSW was organized by WSL Institute for Snow And Avalanche Research SLF and Science City Davos. The Workshop attracted many more attendees than anticipated and the largest contingent was made up of practitioners. The attendance was encouraged by the paper sessions being simultaneously interpreted into German, French, Italian, and English, allowing individuals to communicate in their native tongue.
Davos’ unique location and history allowed the organizing committee to have paper presentations in the mornings and fill each afternoon with specialized workshops and excursions, including many well attended visits to the Weissfluhjoch. Presentations and workshops included among others: artificial avalanche release, avalanche forecasting and rescue, avalanche dynamics, modern visualization methods, snow transport, education, quantitative stratigraphy, the role of snow as a natural resource for tourism, and problems building on permafrost.
The Avalanche Divas held their first European gathering.
Swiss mountain guide Werner Munter was presented with an award in recognition of his life’s work.